Some solid tires for sweepers with rims GSNZWS713

These are some solid tires for sweepers with rims. The installation method is very simple. If you have the experience of replacing car tires, it is also very simple to replace the sweeper tires.

You need to find a safe, stable and sturdy place to change the tires, turn on the hazard warning lights, step on the parking brake and move the car to the "parking" position. Then place the jack on the frame close to the tire you want to change Down, raise the jack until it supports the sweeper, loosen the nut in a counterclockwise direction and remove the tire. Align the rim of the new tire with the wheel bolts, then install and tighten the nuts.

Different sweepers use different specifications of rims. Before replacing the tires, make sure that the tires and rims you will install exactly match your sweeper.

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ShangHai Decadura Tyre Co., Ltd.

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