Sweeper equipped with GSNZWS713 solid tires

The sweeper is an integrated garbage truck that combines sweeping and vacuuming. It has the advantages of high work efficiency, low cleaning cost, good cleaning effect, and high safety performance. It has been widely used in road cleaning work in large, medium and small cities. Some sweepers are equipped with sprinklers to prevent dust during the cleaning process and cause secondary environmental pollution.

Sweepers are generally equipped with solid tires. The solid tire is made of all rubber, which eliminates the hidden danger of tire puncture during the operation of the sweeper and in the harsh working environment. The solid tire has small load deformation and good running stability. Because of its puncture resistance and tear resistance, it does not need to be inflated. It avoids the heavy labor of frequent tire replacement and can improve the utilization rate and work efficiency of the sweeper.

Generally speaking, GSNZWS713 is the most common tire used on sweepers. It is a durable tire with excellent puncture resistance and strong grip rolling resistance as well as good load-bearing capacity. In addition, good elasticity and Good braking performance allows your sweeper to move freely. Its novel pattern provides good contact and traction performance, improves the battery life of the sweeper, and is suitable for sweepers to work in various environments. And this tire will not Leave black marks on clean ground.

More importantly, this kind of tire has a good balance between performance and cost, which can effectively save your budget. If you don't know what kind of tires for your sweeper, trust me, GSNZWS713 solid tires are most suitable.

Since 2006, according to the requirements of customers, we have customized the tires of the sweeper they need-including special rims/customized colors/better endurance/tire patterns that are more suitable for the use environment, etc.
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ShangHai Decadura Tyre Co., Ltd.

388 ShenYu Road, MaLu Town, JiaDing District, ShangHai 201801

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