Why use solid tires on port forklifts?
Release Time:2023-02-27

The interior of the solid tire carcass is completely filled with elastic colloid. Compared with pneumatic tires, it has the characteristics of wear resistance, high temperature resistance, long service life and maintenance-free. Due to the small contact area with the ground, the rolling resistance is small, which greatly reduces the Tire wear and increased vehicle flexibility;

At the same time, it also has puncture resistance, no puncture and air leakage, and has a high load capacity. Since the tire deformation under load is small, the starting resistance is correspondingly small, so the solid tire also has the characteristics of reducing energy consumption; the most important thing is Solid tires are safe, and there is no need to worry about the danger of tire blowout during use, because if the forklift accidentally blows out during operation, the consequences are unimaginable.

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