Elastic solid rubber tire
Release Time:2023-03-23

Elastic solid rubber tires are widely used in industrial applications, mainly for heavy duty loaders. This tire is especially useful in locations where steel, debris, nails, screws and other hard objects are prevalent and can often puncture conventional tires.

Solid elastic tires can be mounted on a variety of equipment such as skid steers, telehandlers, wheel loaders, forklifts and more.

Likewise, different sized machines require different sized tires. First, you should know the markings on the sidewall of your tire to determine what kind of tire you need to buy. Second, choose the proper replacement to replace your worn tire and match the selection to your needs. Be aware that the factory specifications of your device may not be the best choice, so do your research on your options.

If you need professional advice, please feel free to contact WhatApp: +86 13391372639.

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ShangHai Decadura Tyre Co., Ltd.

388 ShenYu Road, MaLu Town, JiaDing District, ShangHai 201801

Tel: +86 13301912259 / +86 021-61557235

WeChat: +86 13391372639

WhatsApp: +86 13391372639

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