Upgrading Container Trailers: Adhesive Solid Tires Outperform Conventional Tires
Release Time:2023-04-25

Currently, the solid tires used on container terminal trailers are mainly conventional solid tires and adhesive solid tires. Among them, adhesive solid tires offer many advantages over conventional solid tires.

Cost-efficiency comparison
Continuous testing of container trailer tires reveals that adhesive solid tires have an average usage cost of about 18 RMB/1,000 km, while conventional solid tires cost more than 22 RMB/1,000 km. Considering 8 tires per trailer and a mileage of 45,000 km/tire, using adhesive solid tires can save approximately 1,440 RMB/tire.

Braking performance comparison
Adhesive solid tires have a larger effective contact area with the ground and no height difference compared to conventional solid tires. This results in better braking performance and a 40% shorter braking distance.

Vibration test comparison
Adhesive solid tires have a larger effective contact area with the ground and no height difference, providing better vibration reduction and decreasing vibrations by 56%.

In conclusion, adhesive solid tires have practical usage and safety advantages over inflated and conventional solid tires, making them the future direction of container trailer tires.

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