Why 93% of Inflatable Mining Tyres Fail: The Solution is Here
Release Time:2023-06-30

Are you tired of constantly replacing your mining vehicle's tyres due to non-normal wear and tear? Look no further than DecaDura Industrial Tyres! Our solid tyres have been designed specifically for mining vehicles, ensuring maximum safety, efficiency, and durability.

Mining vehicles face unique challenges when it comes to tyre design. With narrow and low-height tunnels, as well as rough and slippery terrain, these vehicles require tyres that can handle high loads while remaining narrow and low to the ground. Inflatable tyres often fail to meet these requirements, leading to increased costs and decreased efficiency.

According to data, 93% of inflatable mining tyres fail due to non-normal wear and tear, such as cutting, impact, and delamination. That's why solid tyres are the best solution for mining vehicles. DecaDura Industrial Tyres offers a range of sizes, including 18.00-24, 20.5-25, 23.5-25, 26.5-25, and 29.5-25.

But don't just take our word for it - try our solid tyres for yourself! Contact our solid tyre expert Sean at Sean@Decadura.com or on WhatsApp at 0086 13391372639.

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ShangHai Decadura Tyre Co., Ltd.

388 ShenYu Road, MaLu Town, JiaDing District, ShangHai 201801

Tel: +86 13301912259 / +86 021-61557235

WeChat: +86 13391372639

WhatsApp: +86 13391372639

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