The Ultimate Guide to Forklift Tires: Types and Characteristics
Release Time:2023-09-14
As the main component of forklifts, tires play a crucial role in the vehicle's performance. They must be strong enough to bear the weight of the forklift and its cargo, provide traction and stability, and absorb shocks and vibrations for a smooth ride.

There are two types of forklift tires: inflatable and solid tires. Inflatable tires are commonly used in most forklifts due to their good performance, but they are vulnerable to punctures and not suitable for rough terrain. On the other hand, solid tires have a higher load-bearing capacity and are more durable than inflatable tires. They also have a smaller diameter, which lowers the center of gravity and improves maneuverability.

Solid tires are widely used in low-speed and high-load industrial vehicles such as forklifts due to their simple structure, easy maintenance, and puncture-free design. They are ideal for use in harsh environments and can withstand extreme temperatures and conditions.

If you're looking for high-quality solid tires for your forklifts, contact Sean, the solid tire expert at Decadura Company. With their superior load-bearing capacity, durability, and low maintenance requirements, Decadura's solid tires are the perfect solution for your industrial vehicle needs.

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ShangHai Decadura Tyre Co., Ltd.

388 ShenYu Road, MaLu Town, JiaDing District, ShangHai 201801

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