The Science Behind Solid Tires: Understanding the Different Types and Their Uses
Release Time:2023-11-01
Discover How Solid Tires Impact Your Forklift's Capabilities

Forklift solid tires are crucial components that support the vehicle, influencing its power, economy, passability, braking, safety, and load-bearing capabilities. These tires, made of rubber, are widely used in the automotive industry and play a key role in forklift operations. Here's how they impact forklift performance:

Braking: The braking force of a vehicle relies on the brake torque provided by the brake and the adhesion of the road surface. If a forklift lacks sufficient brake torque or road adhesion, it won't achieve optimal braking force. Solid tires offer less adhesion than their pneumatic counterparts of the same size, resulting in lesser braking force. Moreover, solid tires are heavier, so under the same initial braking speed, they decelerate slower and cover a longer braking distance.

Passability: Solid tires are smaller in size compared to pneumatic tires of the same dimensions, which can affect the forklift's passability.

Power: The use of solid tires can impact a forklift's power. Composed of different rubber formulas and canvas, solid tires have more internal friction loss than pneumatic ones, negatively affecting power.

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