Which tire should you choose for your forklift?
Release Time:2021-08-21

When choosing the right tires for forklifts, the most common ones are pneumatic forklift tires or solid forklift tires. When deciding between these two types of tires, one should consider their significant differences.

Tires will affect the operability and safety of forklifts. Most forklifts have tires specially designed for them. If it is a special application or a special industry, special tires are required.

A, Pneumatic forklift tires

Pneumatic tires are similar to car tires or truck tires, with high performance and versatility. Pneumatic tires have strong grip on rugged terrain and harsh terrain.

It is very popular in construction sites, logging yards and indoor/outdoor warehouses. There are two types of pneumatic tires: tubeless tubeless tires and tubeless pneumatic tires.

B, Solid forklift tires

Solid tires are made of solid rubber and are installed on metal rims. They have a high manufacturing cost but are easy to maintain. Solid tires are suitable for smooth surfaces or poor road conditions such as steel plants and glass plants.

They are also suitable for smaller spaces because they help reduce the turning radius. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about the tire being punctured and need to be repaired. The service life of solid tires is 3-5 times that of ordinary pneumatic tires, which is why many people choose solid tires.

Before buying a forklift for the first time, you need to consider how the forklift is used/road conditions/scenarios/operating time, etc., and then consider space constraints and applications. Is it used internally or externally, or both? Will it be used on flat or uneven terrain?

Remember that most forklifts require specific tires, so do some research before you buy a forklift for the first time to make sure it is useful to you.

As a professional manufacturer of solid tires, we, Shanghai Decadura Tyre Co. Ltd, serve the global market and have more than ten years of experience in the production of solid tires for forklifts.

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ShangHai Decadura Tyre Co., Ltd.

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