Why do forklift solid tires have side holes?
Release Time:2021-08-25

Because solid tires are an important guarantee for the safety of mechanical vehicles, the performance of tires is of great significance to industrial and mechanical vehicles.

Solid tires are conducive to high-load operations for machinery and vehicles. Solid tires are industrial tires that are suitable for low-speed and high-load running vehicles. In addition to the characteristics of pneumatic tires, they also have large loads, convenient use and maintenance, and no need Inflatable, no air leakage and puncture hidden dangers, safety, puncture resistance and tear resistance are very good.

We know that forklift is a kind of heavy-duty vehicle, and the use of pneumatic tires will have the safety risk of air leakage or even puncture. In this case, the consequences that need to be borne are also immeasurable.

Secondly, why do some solid tires choose to have side holes?

The ability of solid tires to adapt to the road is relatively poor. On uneven roads, the vehicle will be bumpy and have poor shock resistance. Therefore, solid tire manufacturers will specially design side holes on the tires to improve shock absorption performance, protect the vehicle, and improve driving comfortable.

Finally, when selecting forklift tire specifications, you can choose a professional solid tire manufacturer. Shanghai Decadura Tyre Co. Ltd will serve you wholeheartedly and provide you with the most suitable solid tires for forklifts.

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