About conductive non-marking solid tires
Release Time:2021-09-07

Because solid tires and rubber tires often rub against the ground and heat up inside the rubber during use, static electricity is often generated. In some special workshops and places, once static electricity is generated to a certain level, it is easy to combine with dust in the air. The risk of explosion, so some workshops have very high environmental requirements. At this time, conductive non-marking solid tires or environmentally friendly antistatic solid tires must be used.

Shanghai Decadura Tyre Co., Ltd provides various colors of NZYA701 / NZYA702 / NZWA705 and pressure-on environmentally friendly non-marking antistatic solid tires are widely used by various forklifts, trailers, and aerial work platforms, and can adapt to various high-standard environments.

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ShangHai Decadura Tyre Co., Ltd.

388 ShenYu Road, MaLu Town, JiaDing District, ShangHai 201801

Tel: +86 13301912259 / +86 021-61557235

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