Rims WH1024
Product ID:Rims WH1024

Just as we offer specifications for our DecaDura solid tires, we also provide perfectly matched rims for industrial vehicles. Each set of Split rims is divided into two parts, assembled onto the solid tire using a Rim Disassembling Machine, and then secured to the vehicle with bolts. They are cost-effective and commonly used for solid tires under 15 inches. Flat-bottomed rims typically come in one, two, or three pieces, with four or five-piece rims being quite rare. Known for their safety, stability, and balance, they are often used with larger solid tires over 15 inches. The rim body is pressed into the solid tire using a Rim Disassembling Machine, followed by the installation of the side ring and locking ring. We offer custom rim design and manufacturing to meet clients' specific load requirements and dimensions, with extensive experience in salt and corrosion resistance. Considering environmental factors and compatibility with vehicles, we always encourage clients to reuse old rims and their corresponding bolts.

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contact us

ShangHai Decadura Tyre Co., Ltd.

388 ShenYu Road, MaLu Town, JiaDing District, ShangHai 201801

Tel: +86 13301912259 / +86 021-61557235

WeChat: +86 13391372639

WhatsApp: +86 13391372639

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