Difference in Load Capacity between Solid and Pneumatic Tires
Release Time:2023-02-09

Solid and pneumatic tires (including radial and diagonal tires) each have their own advantages. Through comparison, we have the following findings: 1) Rubber as a whole structure makes solid tires more wear-resistant and there is no risk of puncture, and more importantly, they are maintenance-free. Thus, solid tires are suitable for many harsh environments, such as steel mills, lumber yards and ports full of sharp glass and stones. However, now solid tires are only used for low-speed, high-load industrial vehicles. 2) As is known, pneumatic tires are widely used in automobiles. They have higher speed and lighter weight, but they are easily punctured. This is their analogy. When we run, pneumatic tires are like sneakers and solid tires are like hiking boots.

Today we compare their load capacity.

Generally speaking, when the sizes of these two tires are the same, solid tires have a much higher load capacity. The type of rubber, formula and process technology used by solid and pneumatic tires also has some impact.

5-ton wheel loaders usually use 23.5-25 tires. At a speed of 10 kilometers per hour, the load capacity of solid tires is approximately 31000kg, while the load capacity of pneumatic tires is only about 16000kg. This is why solid tires are widely used in industrial sites today.

With the development of rubber technology, we believe that solid tires will become lighter in the future.

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