The Science Behind Solid Tires: Understanding the Different Types and Their Uses
Release Time:2023-10-11
Solid tires can be divided into several types according to their uses, including non-marking environmentally friendly types, conductive types, matching types, standard types, oil-resistant types, and high-load types.

Non-marking environmentally friendly tires are generally light in color, such as white, gray, green, and yellow, which are close to the ground color of special industries. During use, they leave little or no tire marks, keeping the ground clean. They are used in industries with high cleanliness requirements such as medicine, electronics, food, and automobiles.

Conductive tires can release static electricity during use and prevent sparks from static electricity, avoiding the occurrence of fires. They are generally used in flammable and explosive industries such as oil and chemicals, and conductive tires are only available in black.

Matching tires are mostly used in European vehicles, such as Linde, Jungheinrich, STILL, OM, etc., also known as quick-install solid tires.

Standard solid tires can be used for most vehicle models.

Oil-resistant solid tires are used on solid tires for road surfaces with heavy oil pollution.

If you need high-quality solid tires for your forklift, please feel free to contact solid tire expert Sean at or WhatApp - 0086 13391372639.

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ShangHai Decadura Tyre Co., Ltd.

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